You know the saying..Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue. The color blue and weddings are like Peanut Butter and Jelly. A Tiffany engagement ring, one of the most coveted items on any besotted ladies list comes in a little blue box. Blue is such a great wedding color, namely because there are so many versatile shades, but also because it can stand alone as the star of the show (behind the bride of course) or it can blend well as a supporting character among just about any other color. I could go all Bubba on you naming all the colors that work well with blue, but I won't bore you or make you read it. Just enjoy the eye candy and have a blue day!

Images courtesy of Mi Belle, Marie Labbancz, Jose Villa, Snippet and Ink, Martha Stewart,
Blue is my favorite color! I'm getting married outside of/near a big yellow house (http://lh3.ggpht.com/_wY9G_ScEwcU/SGttkKYHwqI/AAAAAAAABJ8/p0MNqKUbiIc/IMG_3576.JPG) and am struggling to figure out if having a cream/greenish focus with some blue (maybe bridesmaids dresses?) and a tad bit of yellow (to go with the house) could work... ahh!!
I love blue too!
Elana-I think that could easily work-depending upon the shade of blue you pick! Navy is often considered a neutral, so, there you go!
There's just something about that tiffany blue that makes things so irresistible! :) That thick, satin ribbon around the bouquet in the first image is gorgeous!
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